Vineyard Way
Grove, PA 19390
Tel: (610) 444-2670
Fax: (610) 444-9128
For the last several years, the leaders and committed partners of
LFCC have worked
and prayed to see our church regain consistent positive momentum.
During that time
we have seen improvement in the number of baptisms, the number of
participants in missions and community service, and attendance has
improved after declining for four consecutive years.
However, we still have not been able to develop a consistent pool
of spiritually rooted leaders to take on responsibility for
segments of our shared life. We have also struggled financially,
with very sporadic income that leaves us consistently on the edge
of survival.
In the midst of this effort and struggle, we learned that another
church similar to ours, Willowdale Chapel of Kennett Square, has
plans to set up a second site in Jennersville. Initially this
seemed like another challenge, but as the LFCC Board of Directors
entered into a dialogue with the Elders of Willowdale, we came to
see that God was providing
us with an opportunity. Willowdale has invited us to join their
movement—one that has seen their church grow from 150 to over 1,000
in weekly attendance over the last 10 years. This is a movement
that is committed to and effective at winning people to Christ,
building them in the faith, and launching them out into the world
to make a difference.
Their invitation is to adopt us as their first multi-site church.
The LFCC Board has prayerfully and diligently assessed this
opportunity and we feel that God has led us
to this place and provided us with an innovative, exciting, and
game-changing opportunity. Embracing this type of opportunity is
not without challenges, yet God will be with us as we follow
Him in faith.
We have provided links below that are meant to help you understand
the process, enter in to the journey of discovery, and join in the
movement that we have been invited to become. We are urging all of
our LFCC family to seriously engage in this process with open minds
and hearts, and with emotional and intellectual honesty, as we seek
God’s direction for our body.
Pastor Chip
We strongly encourage you to listen to the Made For Movement sermon below (from February 23) BEFORE listening to the Forward sermon (from March 2).